Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Geo LSTB P2 Bottom Galactic Legend Rey (GLR) 4/4

Since you might face Geonosian Brood Alpha (GBA) or General Grevious (GG) on P2 bottom 4/4 wave, it's better to use GLR on LSTB P2 bottom Light Side (LS) combat mission. 

I used GLR, Resistance Hero Poe (HPoe), Han Solo (Han), Chewbacca (Chewie), and L3-37 (LS) in both video and got 4/4 in both attempts.

If you want to feel your heart is still beating or you want to feel some excitement for doing LSTB, you should follow the modding information in the first video 😆.  You moved minimum mods for whatever reason and pray to RNGesus that your toons will survive 1/4 and get 4/4 done.

The modding strategy in the 2nd video is similar to what I wrote in LSTB P1 Middle GLR 4/4.  Full health mods on all 5 characters.  

Key strategy:

1. Speed matters.  Not only health pool matters, speed matters too.  In the 2nd video, I made Chewie speed up to 285 and he could move before both Spies made their first move.  As you can see, Chewie dispelled stealth on both Spies so their Silent Strike couldn't do much damage on L3.  The entire wave was smooth and under control.

2. If you faced GBA on 2/4, kill B2 first and kill GBA ASAP.  I used different strategy after I killed B2.  Sometimes I would go after Geonosian Solider after I kill B2 like in the video and then waited for the opportunity to use Sudden Whirlwind (WW) on GBA.  Sometimes I would go after GBA right after after I kill B2. Both worked.

3. Save WW and Ultimate at the end of each wave.  Pay attention to turn meter (TM) of all characters.  You can see on 4/4 in the 2nd video, I didn't use WW to kill IG-100 but I chose to go into ultimate because not only I didn't want to trigger GG but also Sniper Droid's TM is higher than both Chewie and Han.  I killed those side toons when I went into ultimate so GG wouldn't do major damage to my toons.  This is just one of examples to show you paying attention to turn meter can help you win smoothly.

GLR in LSTB is a fun team to use as long as you move mods and pay attention to the detail.  

May the Force be with you!

Geo LSTB P1 Middle Galactic Legend Rey (GLR) 4/4

GLR has dominated everywhere in this game since she was released.  There are many different GLR squad composition that you can use in LSTB and my favorite one is GLR, Han Solo, Chewbacca (Chewie), Resistance Hero Poe (HPoe) and L3-37 (L3).

GLR: Aim for 500-550 speed, and 190k-220k health.  As long as she survives, even you lost 1 or 2 characters through the battle, she can still help you get 4/4.

Han Solo: I used 2 different mod sets in above video.  In the first video I used Critical Damage (CD) and Critical Chance (CC) mod sets and in the 2nd video I used full health mod sets with much higher speed.  Even both worked out through the battle but I still recommend you use full health mods if you don't use any pre-taunt character to absorb the damage from Droideka.

Chewie: Just like Han Solo, I used 2 different mod sets in above video.  Both are with full health mod sets but in the 2nd video I used much higher speed and dropped down health pool compared with what I used in the first video.  Again, both mod sets worked as long as he survived

HPoe: I used CD and CC mod sets in the first video and I used full health mod sets in the 2nd video with speed at 318.  Again I recommend you use full health mods if you don't use any pre-taunt character to absorb the damage from Droideka.  90% chance Droideka will aim for HPoe.

L3 or Amilyn Holdo (Holdo): Some people like to use Holdo as she can heal and I like to use L3 since she can taunt right away at the beginning of the battle.  I used my regular mods on Holdo which was speed and defense mod sets and full health mod sets on L3 since I needed her to absorb the damage from Droideka.  

Key Strategy:

1. In 1/4, You want to go after B2 and kill him quickly so you can deal with Droideka.  Some people like to go after Droideka first but my personal preference is kill B2 first.

2. Pay attention to turn meter (TM) of all the characters.  This will help you to make decision when you will need to use Sudden Whirlwind (WW) and Ultimate.

3. If you don't use pre-taunt character, I recommend you put Lifeblood on HPoe as 90% chance Droideka will aim for HPoe.  The rest 10% chance Droideka will aim for Han Solo. 

4. Always save WW at the end of the wave so you can use it at the beginning of the next wave unless it's emergency that you really have to use it in order to survive.

5. HPoe's unique ability makes Chewie and Han Solo very powerful so do what you can to keep him alive.  

The biggest difference between the 1st video and the 2nd video is I didn't move mods in the 1st video.  Even both worked out, you could see the 2nd one went smoothly.  That also means this team has good tolerance if you move mods in case you misplayed sometimes through the battle.

May the Force be with you!

Geo LSTB P1 Middle Jedi Master Luke Skywalker (JMLS) Jedi 4/4

JMLS is one of the best characters in this game.  He is just so good in all of gaming contents.

JMLS Jedi squad is very solid to get 4/4 in LSTB P1 middle.

My best recommendation is using JMLS lead, Jedi Knight Revan (JKR), General Skywalker (GAS), Grand Master Yoda (GMY) and Bastila Shan.

JMLS: It's better you use him as leader instead of JKR because of JMLS leadership to make him taunt when he has protection and you absolutely need him to taunt on 1/4 to absorb damage from Droideka.  Whether you have ultimate or not, you can still get 4/4.  500-550 speed with Speed/Health mods, Full Health mods, and Speed/Defense mods will all work.  I usually don't need to move mods for JMLS in LSTB.

GAS: Aim for 280-300 speed, 70-80% potency, 70-80% critical chance and 7500+ Damage with Critical Damage (CD) and Critical Chance (CC) mods.  You need GAS to add cool down to opponents and daze them.

GMY: I used Offense/CD CC mods and him.  It's the same mods I am using on other gaming contents.  Aim for 280-290 speed with critical damage on triangle and 9000+ damage.  I think GMY and GAS are the soul of this team.  GAS is for daze and add cool down and GMY can keep moving with a lot of turn meter (TM) gain from his basic attack and Battle Meditation.  Since they both are Hero Units in LSTB so they can move twice when they attack Droid Battalion.

JKR: Aim for 310-325 speed.  As long as JMLS is taunting and JKR didn't get killed first, JKR Savior ability will still kick in.  

Bastila: Aim for 275+ speed.  I found out this is the minimum speed that she needs to have in order to kill B2 before he makes his first move.


1. Don't use JMLS Efflux on his first move:

In above 2 videos, I used 2 different strategy.  In the first video I used JMLS Efflux on his first move and the 2nd one I didn't. Both worked, but I personally like not to use Efflux on his first move so I don't trigger B2 to move and counter from IG-100 MagnaGuard (IG100).

As you can see, Savior got triggered in the first video but it went smooth in the 2nd video and my JKR could mark Droideka in the 2nd video and killed him.

2. Get JMLS ultimate before the end of 1/4 so you can ignore the taunt through the rest of battle.  I know some people talked down JMLS ultimate ability but ignore taunt ability is so useful in LSTB so you can attack those key enemies and not get stuck behind opponent taunt character.

3.Pay attention to TM of each of your character.  As I stated in JMLS 4-man vs SLK post, Inherited Teaching (IT) will feed TM and also recover protection to the target ally.  Choose when and whom you should use IT.

Once you survive on 1/4, the rest of waves should be fairly easy.  The most dangerous part of this mission is Droideka on 1/4.  You just need to get through 1/4 and 4/4 should be easy to achieve.

May the Force 4/4 be with you!

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Strategy to beat Imperial Troopers with Admiral Piett and Moff Gideon

Imperial Troopers (IT) was once a great faction to beat Night Sister and Bounty Hunter factions.  However, after EA released relic materials, Imperial Troopers became useless since the priority of relic these IT was so low.

EA released Admiral Piett (AP) on August last year which Made IT Great Again!  He is like the engine of IT.  Also, General Veers, Colonel Starck and AP are part of prerequisites to get Sith Eternal Emperor (SEE).  Therefore, if you intend to get SEE, you will also have a good IT faction to use as well.

EA then released Moff Gideon (MG) on December last year.  MG makes IT even stronger now.  He can reduce damage damage, remove full Turn Meter (TM) and daze opponents.  I recently put IT on Grand Arena Championship (GAC) defense and the results were very good as you can see:

I faced couple opponents this week put IT on defense as well.  One of them used AP lead and the other one used General Veers lead.  Today I want to show you how to use Commander Luke Skywalker (CLS) to get 60 banners against IT.

CLS, Han Solo, Chewbacca (Chewie), C-3PO, Threepio & Chewie (Chewpio) vs General Veers lead IT

CLS, Han Solo, Chewbacca (Chewie), C-3PO, Threepio & Chewie (Chewpio) vs Admiral Piett lead IT

Key strategy:

1. Stun and take out MG first if he is there.  His unique ability Know Your Adversaries will inflict Demoralized which will make your characters -50% offense, -25% critical chance, and -25% critical damage. So you need to make sure he doesn't move at all.

2. If MG is not in opponent squad, focus on AP first.  AP will always use Suborbital Strike first on you to daze you.  You can also see in the second video, my Chewie didn't get Daze because I modded him with 135% tenacity.

3. Once you take out MG and AP.  The rest is easy.  The entire battle takes around 30 seconds to complete.

Many people are putting CLS on defense and they will have some problems against IT especially with MG in the squad.  Using CLS against IT is a stress free and high rewards counter strategy as you can see I got 60 banners in GAC.

May the Force be with you!

Friday, February 26, 2021

Best Galactic Legend Rey (GLR) mirror team

Many people are still experiencing time out when doing GLR mirror battle.  Today I want to introduce the BEST GLR mirror GLR squad: GLR, BB-8, R2-D2 (R2), Resistance Hero Finn (HFinn), Resistance Hero Poe (Hope). 

GLR vs GLR, General Skywalker (GAS), Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker (JKL), Jedi Knight Revan (JKR), Hermit Yoda (Hoda)

GLR vs GLR Resistance:

GLR vs GLR Jawa Engineer, Jawa Scavenger, Chief Nebit, Holdo.

GLR vs GLR, CT-7567 "Rex" (Rex), GAS, CT-5555 "Fives" (5s), Wat Tambor (Wat)

Key strategy:

1.  Trick AI GLR:

You want to "trick" AI to make AI thinks that you are targeting enemy that you don't want to take out so AI GLR will put Lifeblood (LB) on that target enemy.

In the video GLR vs GLR, GAS, JKL, JKR Hoda, I made AI think that I wanted to take out GAS first, but my target was actually JKR so JKR Savior ability will not be triggered.  I mis-clicked and actually hit JKR on the first move but should hit GAS.  Fortunately the RNG was on my side as my counter attack hit GAS when he did AOE.  Next, you can see AI put LB on GAS so I used Sudden Whirlwind (WW) on JKR and he was gone.  Repeat the strategy to take out the next enemy you want to take out.

2. Leave GLR outside of R2-D2 Smoke Screen so she can take the damage especially Sudden Whirlwind from AI GLR.

3. HFinn swaps turn meter (TM) with GLR on his first move so GLR can use WW to take out target enemy on her third round move.

4. Make sure your GLR goes into ultimate later than AI GLR goes into ultimate.  Toward the end of the battle, when only AI GLR is left, your GLR may come out of ultimate earlier than AI GLR even AI GLR goes into ultimate earlier than your GLR.  To prevent that, use BB-8 basic attack when your GLR is under ultimate instead of Cover Data Transfer.

5. Always put Lifeblood on HFinn.  95% of the time AI GLR will target your HFinn to use WW.

Usually I will get 19-20 banners during TW and 59-60 banners in GAC with this GLR mirror squad.  You can use this squad against all kinds of GLR variant.  You just need to follow above strategy and pay attention to TM of your GLR and AI GLR toward the end of the battle so your GLR won't come out of ultimate earlier than AI GLR.

May the Force be with you!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Strategy to use Sith Eternal Emperor + Wat Tambor vs meta

From last Grand Arena Championship (GAC) season (3v3), I started to enjoy using Sith Eternal Emperor (SEE) on offense to counter some meta squads including Darth Revan (DR), Padme, Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker (JKL) and Jedi Master Luke Skywalker (JMLS).  Today I want to share how to use SEE + Wat Tamber (Wat) to counter some meta squads in 5v5.

Key strategy:

1. SEE health needs to be at least 155,000 (mandatory) with speed 500+, the faster the better.

2. Wat puts Baktoid Shield Generator (taunt tech) on SEE.

3. SEE links:

3a. Attacker and the fastest character in opponent squad.

3b. Attacker and another attacker (may not be the fastest character) in opponent squad.

3c. Attacker and another tank character in opponent squad.

3d. The fastest character and another tank character in opponent squad.

3e. Two opening taunt tank characters in opponent squad.  This is the worst case scenario.

SEE vs Galatic Legend Rey (GLR) with Jedi and Wat:

In the video, I followed strategy 3a. to link GLR and General Skywalker (GAS).  GAS can't do critically hit and damage he deals is decreased by 25%.  GLR didn't get above penalty since she is a Galactic Legend.  Since she was the fastest character in opponent squad, she could charge SEE his ultimate pretty fast.  In less than 3 mins, SEE + Wat beat GLR.

SEE + Wat vs GLR + Resistance

In the video, I followed strategy 3d. to link GLR and L3-37 (L3) since L3 has opening taunt.  Even the battle still took less than 3 minutes to complete, I think the other choice was following strategy 3c. to link Resistance Hero Finn (HFinn) and L3 together especially if his speed is 330+.  Also, if there is Rey (Jedi Training) (JTR), don't use SEE + Wat to counter.  The result is not consistent.  You will need other Sith.

SEE + Wat vs GLR + JTR

In the video, I followed strategy 3a. to link GLR and HFinn.  Luckily, my SEE was faster than my opponent's GLR so I could link GLR and HFinn, otherwise, I might link Zaalbar and HFinn.  I normally don't recommend to use SEE + Wat vs GLR + JTR since JTR will apply healing immunity on SEE and if you misplay it or have bad RNG or don't have 155k health pool on SEE, you might lose.  The winning rate is not consistent, but it certainly an option if you really have to use SEE + Wat vs GLR + JTR.

SEE + Wat vs  JKR lead JMLS GAS JKL Wat

This JKR lead JMLS squad is probably one of the most popular squads in arena.  In the video, I followed strategy 3c. to link GAS and JMLS (L3) since JMLS has opening taunt.  After I took out GAS, I linked JKL and JMLS together.  Another battle took less than 3 mins to complete.  

If you follow above strategy, you should be able to use SEE + Wat to counter GLR and JMLS easily.

May the Force be with you.


Friday, February 19, 2021

Strategy of R8 Negotiator mirror match

Many people are still struggling on using Negotiator (GK) mirror match.  Today I want to go through how to do mirror match against one of the most common Negotiator starting 3: Hound's Tooth (HT), Anakin's Eta-2 Starfighter (JKA) and Umbaran Starfighter (Fives).

The most effective mirror match squad is HT, JKA, Fives as starting 3 with Ebon Hawk (EH), Ahsoka Tano's Jedi Starfighter (Ahsoka), BTL-B Y-wing Starfighter (Y-wing) or Sun Fac's Geonosian Starfighter (SF), and Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter (PK).

Strategy of using each fleet.

1. HT: HT can taunt quickly, because he will gain 25% Turn Meter (TM) whenever another ally takes damage from an enemy's attack while he is not taunting based on his unique ability.

2. JKA:  the main damage dealer and he will feed TM to Negotiator because of Valor.

3. Fives: critical for doing AOE if opponent fleets have Target Lock (TL).

4. PK: dispel debuffs based on his reinforcement ability.

5. EH: his reinforcement ability can dispel all buffs on all enemies which is very useful especially if opponent's JKA is in stealth.  Scramble Scanners can inflict buff immunity which you can use on JKA or HT.  Potent Pilot can dispel all buffs on target enemy which is another useful ability.

6. Y-wing or SF: as insurance if you lose your HT.  Both are good.

7. Ahsoka: another good damage dealer.   Shut Down can dispel all buffs on target enemy.  Turnabout can dispel all debuffs on Ahsoka especially when she has daze or Breach and Ahsoka and all other rebuffed allies gain Retribution for 2 turns.

There are few key moments that I will define as good RNG:

1. Your Negotiator goes first.

2. Your JKA can inflict buff immunity on opponent's HT.

3. Your Negotiator inflicts TL on JKA when using Mobilize.

4. Your Fives can kill Target Locked JKA when you use Umbaran Missile Pods.

5. Opponent's Y wing doesn't kill your JKA when using Torpedoes Away! when your JKA is in stealth without Unending Loyalty.

6. When you call EH out, opponent's JKA doesn't have Unending Loyalty and your EH can kill JKA with basic attack.  This is the best RNG.

7. EH inflicts buff immunity on JKA.

Key strategy to decide how you use each fleet and when you should use each ability:

1. You always want to call PK out first to dispel debuffs if opponent's GK inflicts daze on you.

2. Put taunt on PK to trick AI to attack him so he can fall below 100% health to trigger your JKA to move because of JKA's unique Surge All Power which will give TM to your GK because of Valor, and then if they defeat PK, your JKA will move again which will give TM to your GK again.  That's total 30% TM your GK will get.

3. Use JKA basic attack "Locked On" on opponent with TL so he can grant another random ally Valor for 2 turns which will give 15% TM to your GK when that ally moves.

4. Save Fives Umbaran Missile Pods if you can so you can use it when opponent's JKA has TL.

5. EH is a powerful ship:

5a. Use EH to dispel buffs and use basic attack to kill JKA if JKA doesn't have Unending Loyalty.

5b. Use EH to dispel buffs and use Scramble Scanners on JKA to inflict buff immunity.  Your fleet which moves next can kill JKA right away.

5c. To decide if you need to call out PK first or EH first, it depends on if you have daze and breach on your fleets.  Breach will prevent your Ebon to kill JKA if opponent's HT is taunting.  

6.  Ahsoka is very important especially if you lose JKA.  She can do massive damage, dispel debuffs and buffs especially daze, breach and taunt.

7. Three tanks:

7a. HT: if you can keep him alive, he will protect all other fleets to increase your winning chance.

7b. Y-wing: use Y-wing to dispel buff.  Y-wing will also taunt when ally loses Unending Loyalty.

7c. SF: SF can stun the target enemy when coming out of reinforcement.  SF can stun another target enemy if target enemy has buff.  SF will taunt when opponent fleet has buff.

As you can see in the video, my RNG was pretty bad, but if you follow above strategy, you should be able to win.  In GAC and TW, if you unfortunately lose on mirror match, don't retreat and just send in Raddus to clean it up.

May the Force be with you.




Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Geo LSTB P1 Bottom Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker (JKL) Jedi 4/4

Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker (JKL) is the key to get Geo LSTB P1 bottom Jedi CM 4/4.  

JKL: Critical Damage (CD) mods, speed 126, damage 10694, special Damage 7638

Old Ben (OB): Speed mods, speed 290.

Shaak Ti: Speed mods, speed 347.  Shaak Ti is the key here as she can call assist, provide offense up with basic attack and recover health and protection.

zeta Barriss Offee (Zarriss): Health mods, speed 254.  Zarriss can be replaced with Jolee so you can use Zarriss in middle special mission.  Jolee can also call assist as well.

Hermit Yoda (Hoda): Speed mods, speed 336.  Need to be at least 326+ so you can move first before opponents make their first move.

Key strategy:

1.  Use Hero Arises to kill the last opponent in each wave, so JKL can move first at the beginning of next wave to slow down the opponent.

2. Since opponent's speed will be reduced to JKL's speed, you want to make JKL as slow as possible and make other Jedi allies as fast as possible so you can keep moving.  

3. Use OB's Mind Trick after opponents wake up from stun and their Turn Meter (TM) is around 50% since you are going to remove 60% of their TM.

4. Save Hoda's Master's Training so you can use at the beginning of each wave especially you may face Geonosian Brood Alpha.

JKL lead Jedi squad is a very solid team to get you 4/4 from P1 to P3 Jedi CM in bottom territory.  

May the Force be with you!

Geo LSTB P1 Bottom Rey (Jedi Training) (JTR) Resistance 4/4

Geo LSTB has been released more than a year now.  It is still a very challenging content in the game.  However, if you move mods and understand the strategy, you can still get 65+ waves easily.

Today, I want to share how to use Rey (Jedi Training) (JTR), BB-8, R2-D2, C-3PO, and Resistance Hero Finn (HFinn) to get 4/4 on P1 bottom CM.

If you have Galactic Legend Rey (GLR) or are working on getting GLR, you should be able to use this squad to get 4/4.

JTR: Speed 274, Critical Damage (CD) Critical Chance (CC) mods. 

BB-8: Speed 329, Speed mods

R2-D2: Speed 333, Speed mods.  You can also make R2-D2 slower than BB-8 but faster than C-3PO.

C-3PO: Speed 299, Speed mods.  Keep in mind C-3PO has +20 speed so his speed is actually 319.

HFinn: Speed 344, Speed mods.

The key strategy in JTR squad is TM manipulation so you can keep moving and slowly take out opponent one by one.

1/4: B1, 2 Geo Soldiers, IG-100 MagnaGuard (IG-100), Geo Spy

1. Focus on taking out B1 first.  Since R2-D2 is one of the Hero Units, he can move twice when he targets B1.

2. Use R2-D2 Smoke Screen and leave BB-8 outside of smoke screen.  

3. Daze IG-100 so he can't counter.  If you fail to daze IG-100, as long as your toons are in smoke screen, IG-100 can't counter either.

4. Take out Geo Soldiers next and then IG-100.  Save Spy for the last.  You can see in the video that opponent never made a move.

2/4: B1, Sniper Droid, Geo Soldier, Command Battle Droid x 2

5. Take out B1 first and then Sniper Droid.  Take out the rest of opponents one by one.  You can see in the video that opponent never made a move.

3/4: B1, B2, Droideka, Command Battle Droid, Geo Soldier, BX-series Commando Droid

6. Inflict ability block and daze on Droideka first.

7.  Kill Order: B2 -> B1 -> Droideka.  Take out the rest of opponents one by one.  You can see in the video that opponent never made a move.

4/4: General Kalani, B1, B2, IG-100, BX-series Commando Droid

8. Kill Order: General Kalani -> B2 -> B1.  Take out the rest of opponents one by one.  Elite General Kalani is pretty nasty as B1 can't lose more than 8 stacks of Droid Battalion per turn and B2 can't lose more than 1 stack of Droid Battalion per turn.  Therefore, you have to kill General Kalani first.  With C-3PO you can confuse on B2 and JTR can daze and ability block on B2 so B2 won't move when you try to take out General Kalani.

The other key strategy is save BB-8's Illuminated Destiny (ID) so your entire team can move at the beginning of 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4.

JTR squad is a powerful squad in LSTB as you can use TM manipulation and get the easy win.  If you can master this squad, you should be able to manage a lot of other gaming contents in SWGOH as well.

This team is very solid.  Even with the worse RNG I had in the recent TB I did on April which I lost BB8 on 1/4 and lost JTR on 3/4, I got 4/4 done with 3 toons facing GBA Geo squad on 4/4.  

May the Force be with you.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Strategy of JMLS 4-man vs R8 SLK

Jedi Master Luke Skywalker (JMLS) is the hard counter against Supreme Leader Kylo Ren (SLK).  Today I want to show how to use JMLS lead, Old Ben (OB), Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker (JKL), Hermit Yoda (Hoda) 4-man R8 SLK:

JMLS, OB, JKL, Hoda vs SLK, Old Daka (OD), Zombie, General Hux, and First Order Stormtrooper (FOST).

JMLS, OB, JKL, Hoda vs SLK, Kylo Ren (Unmasked) (KRU), Sith Trooper (SiT), General Hux, and First Order Stormtrooper (FOST).

The key strategy is triggering JMLS' ultimate Heroic Stand ASAP so you can ignore taunt from Zombie, FOST and KRU.

1. Use JMLS Efflux to inflict Ability Block and Breach.   However, I think the best thing of using Efflux is Turn Meter (TM) manipulation.  Efflux can remove 20% TM from opponents and also also Jedi allies gain 15% TM which will make your entire team move before your opponent other than SLK.

2. In order to trigger JMLS' ultimate, you need to keep using Inherited Trainings so Jedi ally can gain Jedi Lessons which will help JMLS gain 8% ultimate charge.

2a. Make sure you pay attention to when and how you use Inherited Teachings (IT).  IT will give target ally TM and recover their protection.  So if JMLS doesn’t have protection, you should use IT on him so he can taunt.  Or if you see maybe JKL or OB’s TM (turn meter) is close to full but so does opponent, you can use IT on them so they can do ability block (OB) or stun (JKL).  

2b. Use Hoda's Strength Flows From the Force wisely.  Since this ability will give foresight to all of ally, if you know SLK is going to use his Furious Onslaught AOE attack, you can use this ability to dodge his attack to slow him down to charge his ultimate.  

3. Focus on taking out Hux or SiT first depending on which one doesn't get Ability Block  The killing order for the rest of side toons doesn't matter much.  Save SLK for the last.

4. Once you JMLS gets his ultimate, the rest is easy.

As you can see in the video my RNG was pretty bad.  I didn't land ability block on Hux and SLK from Efflux and OB's Mind Tricks which made SLK use twice of his AOE attack to charge his Ultimate.  At the end I lost OB.  Usually 4 men will survive if you have good RNG. 

JMLS: You can use either speed mods or health mods on JMLS.  Keep his speed from 520 to 565 is good enough.  

Hoda: Speed or health mods with speed 310-330.  

JKL: Offense mods with speed 210-225.  

OB: Speed mods with speed 250-260.  Old Ben (OB) is there as insurance for ability block, TM removal, and sacrifice himself to protect allies.

Another benefit to use 4-man squad against SLK compared with 5-man is you can slow down SLK to charge his ultimate.  Just like in 3v3 GAC, SLK takes longer time to charge his ultimate compared with 5v5 GAC.

If you follow above strategy, you should be able to take out SLK easily with JMLS.  

May the Force be with you.


Monday, February 8, 2021

Strategy of JKR vs Padme

Many guilds and people are putting Padme squad in Territory War (TW) and Grand Arena Championship (GAC).  If you are using Jedi Knight Revan (JKR) Jedi squad against Padme, you can easily get 20 banners in TW and 59-60 banners in GAC.

Use JKR Bastila Grand Master Yoda (GMY) Jolee + zeta Barriss (Zarriss) or Shaak TI or Hermit Yoda (Hoda).  In the video I used Hoda.  Shaak TI can recover protection which is a great option and Zarriss can  help the team to recover health.
1. Kill Jedi Knight Anakin (JKA) first when facing Padme.    You need to make sure you use health tenacity mods on Jolee.  Critical avoidance on arrow.  Tenacity primary on cross.  Jolee's critical avoidance is based on his tenacity.  Tenacity is the key to make Jolee survive through a lot of critical attacks and he will be able to save the team.  

2. Keep in mind when you use assist, you will give protection to Galactic Republic (GR) toons as long as Padme is alive because of her unique ability.  Since I was going to kill JKA, when I called assist on GMY, I targeted GK, so only GK got protection up, and then when I used basic attack or special attack of GMY, I targeted JKA.  That's why I could kill JKA.

3. After taking out JKA, focus on Padme, and use the same strategy on step 2 when you go after Padme.  Target GK when you call assist.  Basic and special attack on Padme.

4. Use GMY Masterstroke ability wisely because you can copy stealth from C3PO if he is there.

5. You need to pay attention to those courage stack number especially if courage stack is more than 10.  GR toons with 10+ courage stacks can almost take out your single toon except C3PO.

6. After you kill Padme you can run auto.  When you use JKR Master Strategist, try to pick the ally with the most Turn Meter (TM) so your JKR can keep moving.

JKR is a great and consistent against Padme squad.  If you follow above strategy, you should be able to take down Padme squad.  

May the Force be with you!

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Strategy to maximize banners by using Negotiator vs Malevolence

Both Negotiator and Malevolence have been released for more than a year now as fleet meta.  Today I want to give a quick strategy overview how to maximize your Grand Arena Championship (GAC) banners by using Negotiator vs Malevolence.

1. Use BTL Y-wing Starfighter (Ywing), Anakin's Eta-2 Starfighter (JKA), Umbaran Starfighter (5s) as starting 3 fleets.

2. Bring Plo Koon's (PK) Jedi Starfighter (mandatory) and Ebon Hawk (EW) (optional especially if you really need banners in GAC to win the match).  In the video I also put Ahsoka Tano's Jedi Starfighter and Hound's Tooth which were not necessary at all.

3. Use 5s' basic attack on Hyena Bomber (HB) to give HB 20% Turn Meter (TM) so HB can move and use Synchronized Salvo to inflict Buzz Droid (BD)

4. JKA targets Sun Vac's Geonosian Starfighter (SF) and use Impeding Assault to inflict Buff Immunity on SF so SF can't taunt.

5. Negotiator targets HB and use Mobilize to inflict Target Lock (TL) and daze opponents.  If you have good RNG, you can inflict TL on all three opponent's fleets.

6. Use 5s' Umbaran's Missile Pods.  This attack deals +20% damage per opponent with TL.  So if you have good RNG, you should be able to take out at least one fleet.

7. Call out PK first to recover Health and Protection and dispel (BD).  Use PK's Inspiring Charge so your ships can gain TM.

8. Kill HB and then deal with SF.  

8a. If you have great RNG, you should be able to kill SF before Malevolence brings out his first reinforcement.  Great RNG depends on couple things: 

Do you get TL on all opponent's fleets when using Mobilize?  In the video I didn't, but at least I got TL on 2 opponent's fleets. 

Does Malevolence use Charging Malevolence on SF or HB or VD?  In the video Malevolence used Charging Malevolence on SF to dispel on debuffs on him.  Sometimes Malevolence will pick HB which HB will also help dispel debuffs on another ship.  That's the worst RNG.  

8b. In the video, Malevolence calls out Han's Millennium Falcon (MF) which is common in arena but not in GAC.  MF will give foresight to every opponent ship which is why you need to EW as next reinforcement to dispel those buffs.  Then you just need to focus on taking out MF to win the battle.  

You can see at the end of the video almost all of my ships have full health and protection.  In GAC, 67-69 banners is doable by using above strategy.

Negotiator is really a great Capital ship and I recently upgraded him to relic 8.  It's a great counter against Malevolence with potential 67+ GAC banners.

May the Force be with you.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

The strategy to conquer Pit Challenge Raid in an international guild

Being a guild leader with guild mates from North America (40%), Europe (40%) and Asia Pacific (20%), it is very challenging to conquer Pit Challenge raid (CPIT) each time.  I have successfully coordinated Pit Challenge raid at least 10 times in two different international guilds.  I have seen many guilds disbanded because they couldn't get the CPIT done.  Some guilds couldn't get the CPIT done consistently either.  I would like to share the strategy of how to get CPIT done consistently.  If you can follow this strategy, you should be able to coordinate your guild to conquer CPIT.

1. Log in to your SWGOH account click your guild SWGOH link.  Click Squad Templates option and start to build the templates that you want to see from your guild.  

Squad reference for each phase:

2.  Once you finish setting up squad templates, the next thing you need to do is assigning damage % quota for each phase to your guild members .  You can use above squad reference as guideline.  You also need to make sure you have buffer/backup persons for each phase in case someone doesn't show up to do the raid or someone has game crash or reboot when he/she is holding the damage. 

3. Announce the raid time for each phase 1-2 days before the raid so people can start to prepare and confirm if they can make it especially if you are managing international guild like me.  

4. Set up dedicated P1, P2, P3, P4 channels on Discord so you can coordinate each phase properly.

5. Use bot to record the damage %.  If you don't have bot, use Excel, Numbers or just paper and pencil will work as well.  I recommend use C-3PO bot which is pretty convenient to use.

6. The strategy is guild members go in CPIT before damage post time, and PRACTICE so they can get their best run and let the coordinator know the percentage so he/she can start to record them.

Make sure you all get another phone or tablet or computer for Discord communication.  Do NOT use the device that you play this game for Discord communication during raid.  Make sure you turn off WI-FI and turn on Airplane mode when you practice.  When you feel like you are going to get wiped out in next turn or 2, try to set the speed to 1X or 2X just to avoid if you gonna screw up and post the damage.  Many guild failed on CPIT raid because some people failed on this step.  They posted too early and trigger Pit Fighter II which makes the Raid Boss stronger and hard to kill.  If you trigger Pit Figher II, a team that can do 20% may only do 5-8%.  Keep in mind that Pit Figher II will be triggered starting from 80% of the total raid boss health.  For example, if you go in the CPIT and the raid boss health is at 81%, once you hit the boss to 80.00%, you trigger Pit Fighter II.  That's why it is very important that no one posts early.

7. Once you calculate the submitted damage % over 100%, you should always remind people hold the damage and no one should post the damage unless you tag them.  This is called discipline and discipline is the key to help your guild conquer CPIT every time.  Check with your people if they are ready and then if they do you can start to tag them to post the damage and have them to report back to you when they are done.  If your guild don't have a lot of squads to use, you should ask those "backup" people to back out the raid once the phase is completed.  If you have enough firing power for raid, everyone can post after the phase is completed so they don't waste their precious time.

8. P4 is the most difficult phase especially if you don't have 50+ Galactic Legend characters in your guild. However, you can still use above strategy plus you should have those who have deep roster or didn't participate P1 to P3 post early first while everyone is still holding.  I usually have group of 4-6 people post at the same time on P4.  This is because I want to fully utilize raid boss health 100%-80% range so when people send in their 2nd squad, the Pit Fighter II won't be triggered yet.  The next 4-6 people can utilize raid boss health 80%-60% range even Pit Figher II is triggered once and so on.  P4 requires the most people to participate and if you don't have enough people, this is the way to close the gap by sending multiple teams to get the raid done.

CPIT raid is absolutely destroying the quality of life in this game.  It requires tight coordination and discipline to get the raid done every time.  The raid coordinator has to find the best raid time to ensure people can participate.  I had experience multiple times that some members accidentally posted early and it took extra 1-2 hours to get the raid done during weekdays.  Even it's painful, but every time when I see the discipline from my guild mates and they are willing to spend their time to help the guild, it means a lot to me.  It's called TEAM WORK.  Together we stand.

May the Force be with all of you.