Friday, February 26, 2021

Best Galactic Legend Rey (GLR) mirror team

Many people are still experiencing time out when doing GLR mirror battle.  Today I want to introduce the BEST GLR mirror GLR squad: GLR, BB-8, R2-D2 (R2), Resistance Hero Finn (HFinn), Resistance Hero Poe (Hope). 

GLR vs GLR, General Skywalker (GAS), Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker (JKL), Jedi Knight Revan (JKR), Hermit Yoda (Hoda)

GLR vs GLR Resistance:

GLR vs GLR Jawa Engineer, Jawa Scavenger, Chief Nebit, Holdo.

GLR vs GLR, CT-7567 "Rex" (Rex), GAS, CT-5555 "Fives" (5s), Wat Tambor (Wat)

Key strategy:

1.  Trick AI GLR:

You want to "trick" AI to make AI thinks that you are targeting enemy that you don't want to take out so AI GLR will put Lifeblood (LB) on that target enemy.

In the video GLR vs GLR, GAS, JKL, JKR Hoda, I made AI think that I wanted to take out GAS first, but my target was actually JKR so JKR Savior ability will not be triggered.  I mis-clicked and actually hit JKR on the first move but should hit GAS.  Fortunately the RNG was on my side as my counter attack hit GAS when he did AOE.  Next, you can see AI put LB on GAS so I used Sudden Whirlwind (WW) on JKR and he was gone.  Repeat the strategy to take out the next enemy you want to take out.

2. Leave GLR outside of R2-D2 Smoke Screen so she can take the damage especially Sudden Whirlwind from AI GLR.

3. HFinn swaps turn meter (TM) with GLR on his first move so GLR can use WW to take out target enemy on her third round move.

4. Make sure your GLR goes into ultimate later than AI GLR goes into ultimate.  Toward the end of the battle, when only AI GLR is left, your GLR may come out of ultimate earlier than AI GLR even AI GLR goes into ultimate earlier than your GLR.  To prevent that, use BB-8 basic attack when your GLR is under ultimate instead of Cover Data Transfer.

5. Always put Lifeblood on HFinn.  95% of the time AI GLR will target your HFinn to use WW.

Usually I will get 19-20 banners during TW and 59-60 banners in GAC with this GLR mirror squad.  You can use this squad against all kinds of GLR variant.  You just need to follow above strategy and pay attention to TM of your GLR and AI GLR toward the end of the battle so your GLR won't come out of ultimate earlier than AI GLR.

May the Force be with you!


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