Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Geo LSTB P2 Bottom Galactic Legend Rey (GLR) 4/4

Since you might face Geonosian Brood Alpha (GBA) or General Grevious (GG) on P2 bottom 4/4 wave, it's better to use GLR on LSTB P2 bottom Light Side (LS) combat mission. 

I used GLR, Resistance Hero Poe (HPoe), Han Solo (Han), Chewbacca (Chewie), and L3-37 (LS) in both video and got 4/4 in both attempts.

If you want to feel your heart is still beating or you want to feel some excitement for doing LSTB, you should follow the modding information in the first video 😆.  You moved minimum mods for whatever reason and pray to RNGesus that your toons will survive 1/4 and get 4/4 done.

The modding strategy in the 2nd video is similar to what I wrote in LSTB P1 Middle GLR 4/4.  Full health mods on all 5 characters.  

Key strategy:

1. Speed matters.  Not only health pool matters, speed matters too.  In the 2nd video, I made Chewie speed up to 285 and he could move before both Spies made their first move.  As you can see, Chewie dispelled stealth on both Spies so their Silent Strike couldn't do much damage on L3.  The entire wave was smooth and under control.

2. If you faced GBA on 2/4, kill B2 first and kill GBA ASAP.  I used different strategy after I killed B2.  Sometimes I would go after Geonosian Solider after I kill B2 like in the video and then waited for the opportunity to use Sudden Whirlwind (WW) on GBA.  Sometimes I would go after GBA right after after I kill B2. Both worked.

3. Save WW and Ultimate at the end of each wave.  Pay attention to turn meter (TM) of all characters.  You can see on 4/4 in the 2nd video, I didn't use WW to kill IG-100 but I chose to go into ultimate because not only I didn't want to trigger GG but also Sniper Droid's TM is higher than both Chewie and Han.  I killed those side toons when I went into ultimate so GG wouldn't do major damage to my toons.  This is just one of examples to show you paying attention to turn meter can help you win smoothly.

GLR in LSTB is a fun team to use as long as you move mods and pay attention to the detail.  

May the Force be with you!

Geo LSTB P1 Middle Galactic Legend Rey (GLR) 4/4

GLR has dominated everywhere in this game since she was released.  There are many different GLR squad composition that you can use in LSTB and my favorite one is GLR, Han Solo, Chewbacca (Chewie), Resistance Hero Poe (HPoe) and L3-37 (L3).

GLR: Aim for 500-550 speed, and 190k-220k health.  As long as she survives, even you lost 1 or 2 characters through the battle, she can still help you get 4/4.

Han Solo: I used 2 different mod sets in above video.  In the first video I used Critical Damage (CD) and Critical Chance (CC) mod sets and in the 2nd video I used full health mod sets with much higher speed.  Even both worked out through the battle but I still recommend you use full health mods if you don't use any pre-taunt character to absorb the damage from Droideka.

Chewie: Just like Han Solo, I used 2 different mod sets in above video.  Both are with full health mod sets but in the 2nd video I used much higher speed and dropped down health pool compared with what I used in the first video.  Again, both mod sets worked as long as he survived

HPoe: I used CD and CC mod sets in the first video and I used full health mod sets in the 2nd video with speed at 318.  Again I recommend you use full health mods if you don't use any pre-taunt character to absorb the damage from Droideka.  90% chance Droideka will aim for HPoe.

L3 or Amilyn Holdo (Holdo): Some people like to use Holdo as she can heal and I like to use L3 since she can taunt right away at the beginning of the battle.  I used my regular mods on Holdo which was speed and defense mod sets and full health mod sets on L3 since I needed her to absorb the damage from Droideka.  

Key Strategy:

1. In 1/4, You want to go after B2 and kill him quickly so you can deal with Droideka.  Some people like to go after Droideka first but my personal preference is kill B2 first.

2. Pay attention to turn meter (TM) of all the characters.  This will help you to make decision when you will need to use Sudden Whirlwind (WW) and Ultimate.

3. If you don't use pre-taunt character, I recommend you put Lifeblood on HPoe as 90% chance Droideka will aim for HPoe.  The rest 10% chance Droideka will aim for Han Solo. 

4. Always save WW at the end of the wave so you can use it at the beginning of the next wave unless it's emergency that you really have to use it in order to survive.

5. HPoe's unique ability makes Chewie and Han Solo very powerful so do what you can to keep him alive.  

The biggest difference between the 1st video and the 2nd video is I didn't move mods in the 1st video.  Even both worked out, you could see the 2nd one went smoothly.  That also means this team has good tolerance if you move mods in case you misplayed sometimes through the battle.

May the Force be with you!

Geo LSTB P1 Middle Jedi Master Luke Skywalker (JMLS) Jedi 4/4

JMLS is one of the best characters in this game.  He is just so good in all of gaming contents.

JMLS Jedi squad is very solid to get 4/4 in LSTB P1 middle.

My best recommendation is using JMLS lead, Jedi Knight Revan (JKR), General Skywalker (GAS), Grand Master Yoda (GMY) and Bastila Shan.

JMLS: It's better you use him as leader instead of JKR because of JMLS leadership to make him taunt when he has protection and you absolutely need him to taunt on 1/4 to absorb damage from Droideka.  Whether you have ultimate or not, you can still get 4/4.  500-550 speed with Speed/Health mods, Full Health mods, and Speed/Defense mods will all work.  I usually don't need to move mods for JMLS in LSTB.

GAS: Aim for 280-300 speed, 70-80% potency, 70-80% critical chance and 7500+ Damage with Critical Damage (CD) and Critical Chance (CC) mods.  You need GAS to add cool down to opponents and daze them.

GMY: I used Offense/CD CC mods and him.  It's the same mods I am using on other gaming contents.  Aim for 280-290 speed with critical damage on triangle and 9000+ damage.  I think GMY and GAS are the soul of this team.  GAS is for daze and add cool down and GMY can keep moving with a lot of turn meter (TM) gain from his basic attack and Battle Meditation.  Since they both are Hero Units in LSTB so they can move twice when they attack Droid Battalion.

JKR: Aim for 310-325 speed.  As long as JMLS is taunting and JKR didn't get killed first, JKR Savior ability will still kick in.  

Bastila: Aim for 275+ speed.  I found out this is the minimum speed that she needs to have in order to kill B2 before he makes his first move.


1. Don't use JMLS Efflux on his first move:

In above 2 videos, I used 2 different strategy.  In the first video I used JMLS Efflux on his first move and the 2nd one I didn't. Both worked, but I personally like not to use Efflux on his first move so I don't trigger B2 to move and counter from IG-100 MagnaGuard (IG100).

As you can see, Savior got triggered in the first video but it went smooth in the 2nd video and my JKR could mark Droideka in the 2nd video and killed him.

2. Get JMLS ultimate before the end of 1/4 so you can ignore the taunt through the rest of battle.  I know some people talked down JMLS ultimate ability but ignore taunt ability is so useful in LSTB so you can attack those key enemies and not get stuck behind opponent taunt character.

3.Pay attention to TM of each of your character.  As I stated in JMLS 4-man vs SLK post, Inherited Teaching (IT) will feed TM and also recover protection to the target ally.  Choose when and whom you should use IT.

Once you survive on 1/4, the rest of waves should be fairly easy.  The most dangerous part of this mission is Droideka on 1/4.  You just need to get through 1/4 and 4/4 should be easy to achieve.

May the Force 4/4 be with you!